17:01    |    16/01/2013

SHOCKING! Sent to several hospitals, 4 year-old little girl dies from sprain ankle

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Frightening story in Bistrita Nasaud county: police started an investigation after a 4 year old little girl died, after a sprain ankle in the left leg. 

Before this tragedy occurred, the little girl was sent to several hospitals from Nasaud and Bistrita and was finally hospitalized in serious condition in Cluj. The doctors who took her over tried to save her, risking a leg cut. They no longer had time to do that as the little girl’s state turned into septicemia.

The little girl’s nightmare started last week. The little girl complained that she had a pain in the left leg, which was starting to swell. The parents initially went to a hospital from Nasaud.

"She had an X-ray done, she had a hematoma, I looked on the X-ray and, as we do not have an orthopaed in the hospital, we decided to send her to a specialized hospital in Bistrita", said doctor Adrian George, the manager of Nasaud Hospital.

As soon as they arrived in Bistrita, in the same day, the doctors realized that the little girl had a sprain ankle and told her parents to give her a massage with ointment.

As the little girl was feeling worse and worse, her parents made another attempt and urgently returned to Nasaud.

"She came to the emergency service through an acquaintance, one of our nurses, who is allegedly her relative and she went to doctor Rusu, an orthopaed who put her a plaster splint.", said Anton George, the manager of Nasaud Hospital.

The doctor did not want to comment what happened. The situation certainly got worse.

Desperate, the people took their only child, who was in terrible pain and decided to go to Cluj. But it was too late.

The 4 year old little girl died on the surgery table, following a heart arrest caused by septicemia.

The Doctor’s College have also started an investigation in parallel with the policemen’s investigation.


SOCANT ! Plimbata la nesfarsit intre spitale, o fetita de 4 ani a murit dintr-o entorsa

Poveste infricosatoare in judetul Bistrita Nasaud. Politistii s-au auto-sesizat dupa ce o fetita de 4 ani a murit, in urma unei simple entorse la piciorul stang.

Pana sa se produca aceasta tragedie copila a fost plimbata intre spitale din Nasaud si Bistrita, pentru ca in final sa fie internata in stare grava la Cluj. Doctorii care au preluat-o au incercat sa o salveze, cu riscul sa ii amputeze membrul. N-au mai apucat, pentru ca cea mica facuse septicemie.

Calvarul copilei a inceput saptamana trecuta. Fetita s-a plans ca o doare piciorul stang, care de altfel incepuse sa se umfle. Parintii au mers initial la un spital din Nasaud.

"I s-a facut o radiografie, avea un hematom, eu m-am uitat pe film si, cum noi nu avem medic ortoped la spital, am decis sa o trimitem la un spital specializat in Bistrita", a spus doctorul Adrian George, directorul Spitalului Nasaud.

Cand au ajuns la Bistrita, in aceeasi zi, doctorii au costatat ca fata are o entorsa si le-au spus alor ei sa ii faca masaje cu unguente si sa ii puna comprese.

Cum fetita se simtea tot mai rau, parintii mai fac o incercare si merg la urgente inapoi la Nasaud.

"A venit in serviciul de garda printr-o cunostinta, o asitenta de a noastra care se spune ca ar fi ruda cu ei si s-a prezentat la doctorul Rusu, medic ortoped si i-ar fi pus o atela gipsata", a spus Anton George, managerul Spitalului Nasaud.

Doctorul nu a vrut sa comenteze ce s-a intamplat. Cert este ca situatia s-a agravat.

Disperati, oamenii isi iau singurul copil, care suferea ingrozitor, si decid sa mearga la Cluj. Era insa prea tarziu.

Copila de patru ani a murit pe masa de operatii in urma unui stop cardiac provocat de septicemie.

In paralel cu politistii, si cei de la Colegiul Medicilor fac propria ancheta.