17:48    |    17/10/2012

Romania is opening its gates wider to the world. We are opening new airports and expending the existing ones

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The estimations show that only for Otopeni the number of passengers will go up next year by half a million. To avoid the congestion, at the beginning of next week, the responsibles will open a new departure terminal.
Those who will enter the new terminal will be amazed by the generous space offered by the over 50 million Euro investment.  In fact the congestion on the airport will disappear since the air carriers will have 52 new check in counters.

The new terminal will have almost 20,000 sqm and 8 boarding gates. The airport capacity doubles. 

For the new terminal the autorities count on innovative systems too. For example the system which will select and check our luggage will be completely autonomous and the operation speed will go up: 3,600 suitcases will be check in one hour. Safety was not forgotten either.

A luggage that seems suspect to the airport's employees will also be checked by a computer tomograph which offers 3D images of the content.

But this is not the only airport expansion the Ministry of Transport is considering. By 2020 the airport should be linked to Bucharest- Ploiesti motorway.
In 2013- 8 million passengers will transit Otopeni, but as, at national level the passenger number will reach almost 16 million, the airport cannot serve the whole country.

On Brasov airport the company that won the bid has already started the works and on Adunatii Copaceni airport the construction site could open by the end of the year.


Romania isi largeste portile catre lume. Deschidem noi aeroporturi si le extindem pe cele existente

Estimarile arata ca numai pe Otopeni numarul pasagerilor va creste anul viitor cu o jumatate de milion. Ca sa evite aglomeratia, la inceputul lunii viitoare, responsabilii vor deschide un nou terminal de plecari.

Cei care vor intra in noul terminal vor fi uimiti de spatiul generos oferit de investitia de peste 50 de milioane de euro. De altfel, aglomeratia de pe aeroport va disparea in conditiile in care companiile aeriene vor avea la dispozitie 52 de noi ghisee de chek-in.

Noul terminal va avea aproape 20.000 de metri patrati si 8 porti imbarcare. Practic se dubleza capacitatea aeroportului.

Pentru noul terminal, autoritatile mizeaza si pe sisteme inovative. De pilda, cel care ne va sorta si verifica bagajele va fi complet autonom, iar viteza de lucru va creste: 3600 de valize vor trece intr-o singura ora pe aceste benzi. Nu a fost uitata nici siguranta.

Un bagaj care li se pare suspect angajatilor aeroportului va fi verificat si de un computer tomograf care ofera imagini 3D asupra continutului.

Dar nu este singura extindere a aeroportului pe care o au in vedere cei din Ministerul Transporturilor. Pana in 2020 acesta ar trebui sa fie legat de autostrada Bucuresti-Ploiesti

In 2013- 8 milioane de pasageri vor trece prin Otopeni, cum insa la nivel national vor fi aproape 16 milioane, aerogara nu poate deservi toata tara.

Pe aeroportul din Brasov firma care a castigat licitatia a inceput deja lucrarile, iar pe aeroportul din Adunatii Copaceni santierul ar putea fi deschis pana la sfarsitul anului.