04:29    |    23/08/2012

Transfagarasan tops list of most amazing roads in the world

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A top 15 of the most amazing roads in the world, put together by auto website CarsRoute.com ranks Transfagarasan first, according to weather.com.

Stretching more than 55 miles between the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, the Transfăgărășan unfolds along a winding ribbon of pavement through Romania's Carpathian Mountains, the website writes.

It was originally built for military use in the early 1970s as a response to the Soviet Union's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, as an effort by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu to avoid a similar fate.

CarsRoute.com also underlines that the BBC’s Top Gear hosts declared the Transfagarasan as one of the best driving roads in the world.

The Transfagarasan is followed in the ranking by Italy’ Stelvio Pass and Norway’s Lysebotn Road.


Transfagarasanul, pe locul 1 intr-un top al celor mai uimitoare sosele din lume


Un Top 15 al celor mai uimitoare sosele din lume realizat de site-ul auto CarsRoute.com plaseaza pe primul loc Transfagarasanul din Romania, potrivit weather.com.

Transfagarasanul, care se intinde pe o lungime de aproape 90 kilometri si leaga regiunile istorice Transilvania si Tara Romaneasca, se asterne de-a lungul unei fasii serpuite de drum asfaltat ce traverseaza Muntii Carpati, scrie sursa citata.

Site-ul CarsRoute.com mentioneaza de asemenea ca soseaua a fost construita initial pentru uz militar, la inceputul anilor 1970, de dictatorul Nicolae Ceausescu, fiind gandita ca un drum strategic pentru trecerea trupelelor militare, dupa invadarea Cehoslovaciei in 1968 de catre Uniunea Sovietica.

Pe locul doi se afla Stelvio Pass din Italia, iar pe locul trei Lysebotn Road din Norvegia.

CarsRoute.com aminteste si faptul ca realizatorii emisiunii Top Gear, difuzata de BBC, au declarat Transfagarasanul unul dintre cele mai uimitoare drumuri din lume.