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22:28    |    05/09/2011

Road dating back to Dacians, better than Transfagarasan. Transalpina becomes highest road in Romania

Transfagarasan has a serious competitor: Transalpina. A road crossing the mountains from Oltenai to Transylvania, in incredible scenery. It is almost ready and hundreds of tourists have already tried driving the winding road. Transalpina thus becomes the highest road in Romania, having a maximum altitude of 2,145 meters, but also an alternative to the busy traffic in Olt Valley.

The picturesque road starts from Sebes, near Alba Iulia, goes through the mountains and stops at Bengesti, Gorj County. Even if they have to go 60 more km, drivers who want to get from Ramnicu Valcea to Sebes can use the road to avoid the Olt Valley traffic. Moreover they will get incredible scenery.

The road itself has been there for over 2,000 years. It was built by the Romans when they invaded Dacia. It became practicable in 1930, when it was cobblestoned during the reign of Carol II.

Construction of the road triggered controversy however, given the high cost of the contract: no less than four million Euro per km. The works will be over in the first quarter of next year, when the road is to be officially inaugurated.


Un drum de pe vremea dacilor, mai tare ca Transfagarasanul. Transalpina a devenit cea mai inalta sosea din Romania

Transfagarasanul are de acum un competitor serios: Transalplina. Un drum care taie muntii din Oltenia in Ardeal, intr-un peisaj incredibil. Este aproape gata si sute de turisti au incercat deja emotiile sofatului pe serpentine. Transalpina devine astfel cea mai inalta sosea din Romania, altitudinea maxima fiind de 2145 metri, dar si o alternativa la aglomeratia de pe Valea Oltului.

Pitorescul drum pleaca din Sebes, langa Alba Iulia. Soseaua serpuieste printre munti, oprindu-se in localitatea gorjeana Bengesti. Chiar daca parcurg aproape 60 de kilometri in plus, soferii care vor sa ajunga de la Ramnicu Valcea la Sebes pot evita aglomeratia si tirurile de pe Valea Oltului. In plus pe Transalpina vor avea parte de un peisaj de poveste.

De-a lungul soselei sunt o multime de puncte de atractie: de la padurile de brad, pana la lacurile si barajul din zona Oasa. Drumul are o vechime de peste 2000 ani. A fost construit de romani atunci cand au invadat Dacia. A devenit circulabil in 1930, cand a fost pietruit in timpul domniei lui Carol al II-lea.

Serpentinele si urcusurile sunt o adevarata provocare pentru soferi dar si pentru... masini. Constructia drumului a starnit insa controverse. Si asta din cauza pretului ridicat al contractului: nu mai putin de 4 milioane de euro pe kilometru.

Lucrarile se vor termina in primul trimestru al anului viitor, atunci cand drumul va fi inaugurat oficial.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
ipv6 ready