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Friday, 20 September, 2024
Last Update 13:59
16:45    |    17/10/2012

Romania is third country in Europe to provide 4G mobile telephony services

The 4G communications technology will become available in Romania at the end of 2012 and, maximum one year and a half later, movies and internet at incredible speed will become available almost anywhere, Pro TV reports.

The tender for the new mobile telephony frequencies was just concluded last month, but operators are already in measure to offer the new technology.

"We have plans to launch the 4G technology until the end of the year, so it will arrive very soon and will be faster than the services we provide today,” said Jean-Francois Fallacher, CEO Orange.

The other operators, too, will provide 4G services, much better than what they have now.

But there is a downside to it. The 4G technology is not compatible with the current mobile handsets, so those who want it will have to buy new phones.

With the only advantage brought by 4G over the existing 3G technology being speed, and mobile internet services already being fast enough for the average user, the real question is: Why switch to 4G? The answer is simple: everybody will want to provide internet, television and telephony services simultaneously.

During an event organized by Ziarul Financiar, the CEOs of the Romania’s top 3 mobile operators unveiled what handsets they are using.

The CEO of Orange Romania uses an iPhone 4S, his Vodafone counterpart has an iPhone 4, while the CEO of Cosmote Romania&Romtelecom uses an iPhone 4S and a Samsung Galaxy S3.

But the 4G technology is not just for fun, as it will also help save lives. The vast amount of data it can transmit could also serve to sending at distance the results of X-Rays, CT-scans and other analyses between physicians and medical experts.

For now, operators avoid disclosing how much they will charge for 4G services, only assuring that they will come cheaper than in other countries.

Romania este a treia tara din Europa care va oferi servicii de telefonie mobila 4G

La noi, tehologia 4G va fi disponibila pana la sfarsitul lui 2012. Iar in cel mult un an si jumatate, filmele si internetul vor veni aproape oriunde pe telefon, la viteze incredibile, informeaza Stirile Pro Tv.

Licitatia pentru noile frecvente de telefonie mobila s-a incheiat luna trecuta, dar operatorii sunt deja gata sa ofere noua tehnologie.

"Avem planuri sa lansam 4G pana la sfarsitul anului, asa ca va sosi foarte curand si va fi mai rapid decat serviciile pe care le asiguram astazi", a declarat Jean-Francois Fallacher, CEO Orange.

Si ceilalti operatori vor oferi servicii 4G, mult mai bune decat cele de acum.

Tehnologia 4G nu este insa compatibila cu actualele telefoane mobile, asa ca doritorii vor trebui sa isi cumpere aparate noi. Nu va fi insa o cheltuiala de nesuportat.

Totusi, tehnologia 4G difera de cea actuala doar prin viteza.

In conditiile in care internetul pe mobil este deja mai mult decat suficient, intrebarea logica este de ce ne intereseaza asa de mult 4G-ul? Raspunsul e ca toata lumea va vrea sa va ofere si internet, si televiziune, si telefonie.

Cei 3 sefi ai celor mai mari companii din Romania au dezvaluit la evenimentul organizat de Ziarul Financiar ce telefon foloseste fiecare.

CEO-ul Orange Romania foloseste un iPhone 4S, seful Vodafone un iPhone 4, iar CEO al Cosmote Romania&Romtelecom detine un iPhone 4S si un Samsung Galaxy S3.

Tehnologia 4G nu ofera doar distractie, ea va putea ajuta si la salvarea vietilor. Cantitatea de date transmisa sa fie cantitatea care sa permita sa transmiti imaginile, sa transmiti radiografiile, computer-tomografiile care sunt facute, filmele sa le transmiti la calitate si rezolutie buna pe care sa poata sa le citeasca medicul pe partea cealalta.

Deocamdata operatorii se feresc sa spuna cat vor costa si abonamentele 4G, dar spun ca vor fi mai ieftine decat in alte tari.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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